Let's Talk

About Us

Zero-Point Partners is an advisory and project management firm focused on enabling the transition to a sustainable economy. As a women-owned and women-led environmental consulting firm with deep industry expertise, we offer pragmatic, actionable advice to ensure sustainability efforts are targeted, material, and can support accelerated growth. We are highly technical, boots-on-the-ground, hands-on practitioners adept at using a business lens to translate technical risks and opportunities into business insights. Our service is bespoke and can be shaped to suit your needs. Whether you’re just getting started, have an internal team in place, or none of the above – we can integrate, work alongside you, and go at your pace.

We educate and engage regulators, financial institutions, investors and other capital market influencers to act on the climate crisis as a systemic financial risk.

We advance corporate sustainability leadership at the Board and Management level and facilitate integration of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) oversight into every aspect of decision-making.

More than a risk management tool, ESG is an opportunity to unlock value. But successful implementation requires a strategy closely aligned with business priorities to build consensus and support among stakeholders. Uniquely positioned as both strategic advisors and technical consultants, Zero-Point Partners supports both private and public sector organizations to identify, develop, manage and execute ESG initiatives; enabling you to create value with confidence.
For our corporate clients we take a ‘business-centric’ approach to sustainability, partnering with them to develop effective, timely, and economic solutions

Our purpose is to facilitate the
transition to a sustainable future by
tackling complex problems in the
spheres of:
• environment
• society
• governance

We aim to do this by working with leading organizations that are focused on creating and preserving value in the long run.

• advisory
• end-to-end project conception, development, & execution services
• project sourcing (e.g., carbon offsets)

Who We Are

Maha Qasim,
As founder & CEO of Zero-Point Partners, I lead client engagement, specializing in ESG strategy advisory and capacity-building, sustainability reporting, and climate risk assessment.

I’m an Environment & Sustainability expert with 16+ years of global experience in environmental management, ESG strategy & disclosure, climate adaptation & resilience and climate finance.

As ESG Faculty Lead at the Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance (PICG), I coach climate entrepreneurs through the USAID’s Private Finance Advisory Network.

I’ve earlier served as Country Advisor, Pakistan, to the world’s largest philanthropic foundation – working with strategic teams to develop a coordinated donor-government strategy, and cultivating partnerships to advance strategic goals.

Prior to this, I worked as an independent consultant, providing bespoke climate finance advisory services to Pakistan’s leading renewable energy company and a commercial bank – successfully securing their accreditation to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). In addition, I’ve co-authored Engro’s first Sustainability Report and led the registration of Engro’s 220 MW flared gas power plant with the UNFCCC to earn carbon credits.

Through the knowledge and experience I’ve built up over the years, I’ve written extensively about the impacts of climate change and Pakistan’s renewable energy potential in various national and international publications and co-authored a paper on Energy Security in Pakistan and another on Green Finance in Pakistan for the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI).

I currently serve on the Board of the Global Youth Leadership Center (GYLC) – an international nonprofit that aims to expand youth’s knowledge about climate science, build their leadership skills, and engage them with climate action. I’m also a member of the Leadership Council of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Pakistan.

I have a Master’s in Environmental Management from the Yale School of Environment and a BSE in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Princeton University.
Hira Mumtaz,
Project Manager
As an experienced Energy and Climate professional, my focus is on carbon markets, policy, finance and business. I’ve worked with several multi-donor agencies and consulted for governmental, non-governmental and private organizations in Pakistan, Asia, the U.S. the U.K. and Canada, in the areas of energy and climate policy, power regulation, renewables, sustainability, cimate finance, financial planning, governance and business restructuring.

I’m a Fulbright Scholar, with a Masters in Energy Policy from the University of Michigan.
Moneeza Ahmad,
Gender Specialist
I’m a seasoned Gender & Sustainability professional, with over 17 years of experience in project design, project management and evaluation in social development, gender equity, livelihoods,
climate resilience, enterprise development and education. I’ve designed and overseen multiple programs for housing, community health and income generation – and incubated over 500 female micro-entrepreneurs in
the agriculture, dairy and carpet making sectors – working with Engro and various UN agencies on agriculture and livelihoods.

I’ve also worked with numerous multi-donor agencies and consulted for non-governmental and private sector organizations in Pakistan, Asia, the U.S. and Europe, in the areas of social development,
community health, sustainability and social impact, enterprise development, research design and implementation, and strategy consulting.

I have an Advanced Diploma in Integrative Humanistic Counseling from CPPD in London and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Political Science from University of Toronto in Canada.


Mehak Masood,
Gender Specialist Climate Change and Sustainability Expert
I have diversified experience working with both private and development-sector organizations including Artistic Milliners, Interloop, the IUCN, USAID, the British Council, the German Development Agency (GIZ), and the Government of Pakistan. I’ve served in senior sustainability roles in Pakistan’s leading companies and have experience with designing and formulating Life Cycle Analyses (LCAs) for various products, developing organizations’ ESG and Net Zero Strategies & Climate Action Policies and Climate-resilience Roadmaps. I also specialize in corporate environmental reporting standards including the GRI sustainability reporting framework and the IFC’s Performance Standards.
I received the Australia Award Scholarship in 2018 and have a Master’s in
Environment from the University of Melbourne.


Yousha Khan,
ESG Analyst
I provide analytical and research support for GHG emissions inventory development, net-zero target setting, and decarbonization planning. Previously, I worked as a Management Trainee in sustainability at Artistic Garment Industries, where I developed decarbonization and energy conservation plans. I also curated a waste management plan contributing to circularity and resource efficiency.
My research at the Institute for Circular Resource Engineering & Management addressed the critical issue of post-consumer plastic waste from the packaging industry. My project incorporated strategies to optimize waste collection frequencies while minimizing emissions and cost and explored avenues for integrating circular economy principles.
I have an MSc in Environmental Engineering from the Technical University of Hamburg and a B.E in Energy and Environmental Engineering from the Dawood University of Engineering and Technology


Jeannine Coelho,
Associate - ESG & Corporate Philanthropy
My background spans sustainable development, business intelligence and project management. Previously, I served as the Corporate Social Responsibility Manager at Amreli Steels Limited where I oversaw a philanthropic fund aimed at promoting gender equity, sustainability, and healthcare. With a track record of successful fundraising and venture building, I co-founded Sukoon Care
Technologies, where I secured US$30,000 in equity-free funding to establish a personalized cardiac
rehabilitation program. Within Sukoon, I collaborated with prominent hospitals to execute a
comprehensive mixed-method feasibility study involving multiple stakeholders across a variety of
domains. My experience extends to business development, where I played a pivotal role in
expanding the market presence of ATCO Laboratories Limited in Southeast Asia through strategic
partnerships and market analysis. I have a Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences from Imperial College London


Dania Nasir,
Associate - ESG & Corporate PhilanthropyAssociate - Corporate Sustainability
I lead Zero-Point Partners’ international client engagement including research, advisory & implementation support on Corporate Sustainability. I specialize in ESG regulatory due diligence and corporate sustainability reporting requirements for the USA, EU, UK, Pakistan, India, and the Philippines. I also support automation of sustainability reporting. I have trained in GHG emissions accounting, environmental decision analysis, and program evaluation. For my graduate thesis, I conducted a program evaluation of the Duke Lemur Center’s Agroecology and Chicken Husbandry workshops and spent three months undertaking field work in rural Madagascar .

Prior to joining Zero Point Partners, I supported regional climate and sustainability projects for Oxford Policy Management, UNICEF, and UNDP. I supported program development and wrote grant proposals successfully raising US$50,000 grants from international funding partners.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Lahore University of Management Sciences and a Master of Environmental Management degree from Duke University with a concentration on Environmental Economics and Policy.
Noor Fatima Anwar – Analyst
I’m a Research & Advisory professional supporting diverse industry clients on developing GHG emissions inventories, net zero target-setting, decarbonization planning, impact assessment, ESG reporting, and gender mainstreaming. I’ve developed ESG training modules for Board members and Senior executives to introduce technical ESG concepts including carbon credits, climate risk assessment and ESG reporting and disclosure frameworks. I also supports research & data collation, analyses, and report writing for ESG projects.
I designed and conducted Pakistan’s first Climate Risk Awareness Survey to gauge the private sector’s level of preparedness to manage climate risk. I also supported the development of a Gender Action Plan for a commercial bank to meet the Green Climate Fund’s disbursement criteria. I have a BSc.(Hons) in Accounting & Finance from the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)
Maleeha Habib – Circular Economy Expert
I’m a Sustainability & Circular Economy Expert who’s advised corporations, academia, and NGOs to increase sustainable practices and close the loop on materials. I’ve worked with various clients including Just & Inclusive Economies Professional for Ceres (Boston), Circular Economy subject matter expert for Environment Resource Management (Bangkok) and a start-up Concept Loop. As Sustainability Advisor to the Karachi School of Business and Leadership, I helped transition faculty, students and staff towards environmental sustainability by integrating sustainability into their extracurricular activities – and assisted professors in linking sustainability with core business coursework. My previous work experience includes poverty alleviation with Indus Earth Trust, environmental conservation, fundraising and environmental education with WWF Pakistan – where I led the Green School Program. In addition, I helped WWF China in designing their fundraising and membership engagement program.

I have a Master’s degree in Global Development Practice and a a certificate in Environmental Policy & International Development from Harvard University.
Shiza Ali,
Senior Associate

Shiza Ali has experience as a development sector professional, having worked at the World Wide Fund for Nature Pakistan. In her role she liaised with corporations on a variety of projects, including carbon offsetting, emissions reduction of office buildings as well as offering technical trainings. She briefly worked for Pakistan Environment Trust’s Net Zero Coalition that sparked an interest in working with businesses to identify pathways for a low-carbon economy.   


Shiza has completed her Bachelors in Environmental Economics and Policy from University of California, Berkeley. 

Aliza Aijaz - Research Assistant

Aliza supports proposal development, research and training at Zero-Point. In addition, she is Zero-Point’s in-house communications & media expert responsible for drafting and publishing the firm’s monthly newsletter and creating content for the company’s social media platform.

Earlier Aliza was a Financial Consultant at PwC where she constructed complex financial models and corporate strategy plans and executed due diligence projects for mergers and acquisitions deals. As part of a project utilising Artificial Intelligence, she has worked with the Urban Big Data Centre to measure pedestrian footfall in cities of the United Kingdom, conducting primary and secondary research utilising qualitative and quantitative methodologies.

Aliza has a Master’s degree in Urban Analytics from the University of Glasgow and a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance from the Institute of Business Administration, Karachi.

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